Existential Psychotherapy

Who am I, and how am I to live?

Hi, my name is Katie Patel, and I am a Psychotherapist and Counsellor. My background was in Clinical and Health Psychology before training in Existential psychotherapy at Regents University London. I have worked extensively with grief, depression, anxiety and trauma. I offer brief (6 - 12 sessions) and longer-term (open-ended) psychotherapy to individuals.

Often we seek therapy because something in our life isn’t working how we would like it to. The process of therapy allows you to meet yourself and gain a deeper understanding of your struggles and concerns. Talking through your difficulties is a wonderful step toward a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

The healing therapeutic process works by revealing parts of yourself that were hidden from you. Therapy can help shine a light on areas of your life that are causing you stress, worry and concern, creating greater awareness, which is the first step toward change. Sometimes people come to therapy knowing what they want to work on, and other times they aren’t sure. Regardless of how you show up, I aim to meet you where you are so we can begin to working together at your pace.

Client issues I regularly experience

  • Bereavement

    Whether you lost someone a few months ago or 10 years ago, its never too late to process your grief.

  • Anxiety & Panic

    Anxiety is a basic state of being human, it indicates something - let’s pay attention to what it reveals.

  • Low mood & depression

    Understanding where and when your depression first appeared helps us to formulate our way through the other side.

  • Meaninglessness

    Are you feeling detached or dissociated from your world? Understanding how you perceive meaning in your life helps.

  • Relationships & attachments

    How are your relationships functioning? Do you repeat patterns with friends or partners, and what does that signify?

  • Stress & Trauma

    Understanding what your stress or trauma response looks like is the first step to living with it. It’s so important to look after yourself.

  • Cultural issues of identity & belonging

    We can belong to our families, communities or identities. They mix to form a potent representation of self that can be explored.

  • Self-esteem & self-confidence

    Is it hard to trust yourself? Or believe in yourself? Often there are unconscious beliefs operating here that can be understood and shifted.

Starting Psychotherapy

If you would like to work together, we can arrange a quick call or email to discuss an initial session.

During our first session together, we will discuss what brings you to therapy and what your expectations and desires are for therapy, should you have any.

If you are happy to continue after we first meet, then I recommend an initial commitment of six sessions, at which point we can recommit to more sessions if you wish.

Sessions last for 50 minutes and my fee starts at £75 a session. I regularly receive supervision and abide by UKCP and BACP codes of ethics.

Currently, I am based in Clapham Junction, Putney and Haggerston.

Contact me.

If you are interested in beginning Psychotherapy, please fill out the form with as much detail as you want to share regarding what you would like to work on together.

I aim to get back to inquiries within 48 hours, but if it has been longer than that, please feel free to reach out again.